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Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions. You can type your question using the magnifying glass icon.
  • How Needyou App works
    Socialneed is a platform developed to find solutions offered by independent professionals around you, wherever you are, in your community and/or city. Socialneed is based on a main search engine that allows you to perform searches related to professional solutions that other people can cover. Example: I need a kitchen helper for this afternoon. I need a chef for an event I'm doing this weekend I need an architect to advise me. I need a guitarist for an event. I need a trainer to do a new routine. There are many options and areas that you can find to solve daily social and professional needs. You can see the options of areas. We are constantly adding new areas and specializations adapted to new trends, you can see some of them by clicking here If you want to use the platform as a service provider , that is, you want to use Socialneed to expand your reach and business opportunities around you by offering professional services in which you specialize, you only have to subscribe, activate the hours in which you would be willing to work and fill out the form adapted to your specialization. Once you do so, you must wait for the system and verification team to review whether you meet the minimum conditions to guarantee that you are a potential service provider on Socialneed. You can see the steps to activate yourself by clicking here.
  • Can I use Needyou App as well as offer services? Here's what you need to do
    Importantly, the APP has two types of users Service Provider Applicants You can have both types of users with the same email address, but you will need to fill out some additional information if you provide services. For both, you will need to register separately, since to ensure the best experience for end users and applicants, users who provide services must register with more information.
  • What are the minimum requirements to offer services through Needyou App?
    Users providing services in Socialneed You must be of legal age. You must be a national or current resident of the country where you will provide services. You must demonstrate your skills and that you stand out in your abilities to serve and/or provide service in one or more areas. In order to activate you as a service provider, the verification team may contact you and request additional data to verify that you meet the minimum verification standards, such as professional references, identification, professional titles, among others. All this in order to be verified. ​ We accept and activate highly pro-active and productive people who demonstrate that they stand out in professional areas that add value to society, and also have clients that confirm their level of professional responsibility.
  • Subscription cost
    Needyou App has no subscription fee, nor do we charge for being active on the platform. When a user is hired to perform a professional service through Socialneed, we charge a percentage of the total service transaction (which is debited from the service provider user and not from the requester). This is because the service provider user found an opportunity through the efforts we make to maintain the platform. If you wish to or are already subscribed as a service provider on Socialneed, you can obtain more information about MY EARNINGS on Needyou App by clicking here
  • Requirements for the correct operation of the App on your phone.
    At Needyou App we are advocates of the proper use of personal data on the Internet, which is why we do not store user data beyond what they provide us with to verify their identity and data to achieve the objectives (users find clients and solutions as well as connect with each other), which is why for Socialneed to work correctly you must approve the permissions requested by the app such as geolocation, calls, etc. Although the notification “Socialneed is in use” appears, we do not know the location of the users nor is it possible to access data or confidential information. Below we explain what the main permissions mean (necessary for it to work correctly). Geolocation Permission: In this way, Socialneed expresses to the users requesting services (your potential clients) the approximate distance, that is, thanks to the geolocation permission you will be able to appear in the search results when a user requests a service related to your specialization according to the categories and areas in which you are verified. If the service provider user does not have the GPS on their phone activated and has not accepted the permissions, then the service provider user will not be visible in search results (just like delivery and transportation apps work). Make Calls Permission: Socialneed needs this permission so that you can serve your clients or receive the requested services via video call if agreed upon by the parties in the service request(s). Camera Permission: This allows you to upload your profile picture and record videos to be uploaded to your public profile as a service provider (Example: A video where I explain what services I provide and why my clients should hire me). All the permissions requested by Socialneed are essential for the correct functioning of your new productivity experience.
  • Steps to offer my services on Needyou App
    These are the steps to follow so you can activate yourself and appear in the search results within Socialneed. Go here:
  • Collections and payments to other users
    IMPORTANT | Service provider: 1. We have payment gateways so that your clients can book and pay for your professional services by credit card and debit card, among other payment methods. 2. All contract payments (business opportunities agreed by users) through the platform are collected Needyou App by Socialneed and subsequently assigned to the service provider user when the work has been successfully completed (this guarantees that the requesting users obtain the expected service). IMPORTANT | Users who request services: 1. If you require a service through a user that you find when using the Needyou App platform, and you are the user who requests the service, upon completing the request you must approve that the user successfully completed your request. 2. Needyou App is not responsible for the performance and effectiveness of the final work of the contracted user. When performing a search (Example: I need advice from an architect) the platform returns results that show options of available users who work in the requested field. Socialneed requires service provider users to upload images and videos of their performance and work experience that are shown in their profiles so that you can see (as requesting users) details of their capabilities and skills before choosing one and hiring them. 3. The requesting user may reject the request, and will only be charged if the requesting user agrees to carry out the request. The charge is made at the moment in which the user accepts the request but is not paid until the request is successfully completed, this guarantees that the parties (the one who hires and the one who provides the service) have the best disposition and commitment to the agreement between the parties.
  • What are the benefits of offering my services through Needyou App?
    Click here to learn about all the benefits, we will constantly be adding more benefits for you.
  • WHAT Needyou App GET | Percentage per transaction
    Socialneed gana un porcentaje por transacción de pago cuando un usuario contrata a otro mediante la plataforma. Socialneed no cobra por permanecer en la plataforma, unicamente cuando un usuario contrata a otro es cuando Socialneed adquiere un porcentaje de la transacción en la moneda local. Socialneed carga a la cuenta el total del valor del servicio prestado por el usuario quien presta el servicio (menos la comisión por el uso de la plataforma) esto es debido a que el usuario encontró una nueva oportundiad de trabajo mediante todos los esfurzos que realizamos para mantener la plataforma y aumentar los ingresos de quienes prestar servicios mediante la misma. De acuerdo a las condiciones y costos opertaivos de cada país es posible que Socialneed maneje diferentes porcentajes de comisión por transacción, puedes ver el listado de porcentaje de comisión adquirido por trancacción y mas información sobre TUS GANANCIAS aquí. El usuario prestador de servicio coloca el precio de sus servicios. El usuario si así lo desea puede sumar el porcentaje al valor que asigna a cada servicio, de esta forma adquirir el monto que dese en el momento en que Socialneed desembolsa en su cuenta (luego de asegurarse que los trabajos fueron realziados cone éxito). Utilizamos el porcentaje adquirido para mejorar constantemente la experiencia y lograr que nuestros usuarios cuenten con una gran plataforma de apoyo que les permita generar ingresos y darse a conocer de forma cada vez mas eficiente en su ciudad y comunidad. ¡Estamos invirtiendo en ti! Queremos que más usuarios encuentren tanto soluciones como ingresos agregando valor a la sociedad mediante sus especializaciones y profesiones por ello adicional a mantener nuestra plataforma invertimos en anuncios publicitarios que permitan incrementar los requerimientos, oportunidades y soluciones sociales. ​
    Needyou App reserves the right of admission in order to ensure and guarantee the best experience for users and end customers who participate in our platform and products. This complies with security protocols and pre-established selection filters for the same purpose. Users requesting third-party services through Needyou App: When searching for other users and finding results, Socialneed displays user information that allows requesting users to make their own decision when hiring third parties. The platform requires that service provider users upload videos and images demonstrating their professional skills and performance in the subscribed professional field. Service Provider Users: Anyone of legal age can sign up as a service provider user ("Offer" button in the app) but must wait for our team and verification system to review their professional profile using the information they provide to Socialneed. If the profile complies with our policies, standards and parameters (related to identity verification and verification of professional skills) they may be approved to use the platform to provide services to third parties. The Socialneed verification system is a filter created with the objective of ensuring as far as possible that the available profiles are suitable to provide services to third parties. This does not mean that Socialneed is responsible for the final service. Service provider users accept our policies and conditions of use where they are responsible for their final work and likewise, users who request services accept their responsibility in the choice and contract according to our policies and conditions of use. A user may not be approved as a service provider even if he/she is already registered. Our platform allows us to disable users according to our usage policies, verification criteria, and their performance on the platform. Also, the fact that a user is not approved (or is not shown or seen in the search results as a potential service provider) does not necessarily mean that it is related to not complying with the aforementioned protocols. There are many reasons why it is possible that the necessary requirements to be activated and/or approved are not met (For example: The user is not within the search radius or has not completed his/her professional services form correctly). We reserve the verification protocols and techniques in order to protect the interests of the end users and users of the platform.
    Needyou App is a platform created for responsible, high-performance professionals committed to what they should be and good results for end clients. We make great efforts to guarantee the best experience and support the parties (service provider users and users in the position of applicants), but Socialneed, being a mass-use platform, is not responsible for the legal implications that a user may be involved in related to their profile, capabilities and results of the contracted work. Needyou App will contribute to local authorities in the legal field if necessary to resolve problems related to users. Needyou App is not a mediator of conflicts between users. If any of the parties (service provider users and users in the position of applicants) is not satisfied with the work performed, Socialneed can support by providing resources and options that allow users to resolve the problem as long as it is related to the requirement and/or business opportunity that they rely on through the platform. Needyou App may assist local authorities or take legal action if it detects that a user is using its platform for unethical or unprofessional purposes or in violation of our privacy and usage policies.
    Son muchas las opciones y rubros que hemos habilitado ideales para profesionales independientes o profesionales quienes dedican parte de su tiempo a ofrecer servicios de forma independiente a terceros. Si eres un profesional independiente puedes utilizar Socialneed para ampliar tus alcances y aumentar las posibilidades de obtener nuevas oportunidades de tal forma que puedas ser contratado por terceros en determinado tiempo del día (de acuerdo a tu disposición y aprobación). Puedes ver las opciones de rubros disponibles. Constantemente incluimos nuevos rubros y especialziaciones adaptadas a nuevas tendencias, puedes ver algunos haciendo clic aquí
    If you get a notification "Needyou App is running" you should not worry, this Push notification is shown to users who provide services to third parties through Socialneed, that is, if you get this notification it is because you are an active user providing services, the reason for the notification is because probably at that moment a potential client is performing a search related to your services and in this way Socialneed runs to check if you have any updates in your Needyou profile that can be shown to your clients.
  • Task or service cancelled or canceled
    If you are a service provider and your notifications show a cancelled task, this may be due to several reasons, but it is mainly because the requester did not have funds on their card to pay for your services at the time of collection.
    After being registered as a service provider user (access via the "Offer" button) and after filling out your form to express your specialization and service you wish to offer, you will enter a "review" process and will not appear active until then. Needyou APP will verify your identity and check that you meet the minimum standards we require to use the platform in this mode. If you are approved, you will receive a notification and you may also receive an email from the Socialneed verification team. Now, if you were approved, you will appear in the results, but first you must validate the following in your account: - Activate your availability: Enter the app and if you are already logged in, you must display the menu on the left (three-line ICON that you will see above on the left) and activate days and times when you wish or would be willing to provide services to third parties. - Activate your account: Click on the "ACTIVE SERVICES" button and below all the categories and headings you will see a button that says "activate me", activate it and you will be visible in the results.
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